Critique as care*
*inspired by this essay by Mandy Harris-Williams
I believe:
- that I am an imperfect work-in-progress
- that I, like all of us, am socialized to replicate systems of oppression and can only interrupt those habits by conscious practice and ongoing learning
- that mistakes are inevitable, are survivable, and are teachers
- that my inherent value is completely separate from my mistakes
- that as a humxn being I will always be learning, and to stop learning is to stagnate
- therefore, that to receive constructive criticism is an act of compassion that helps me grow in greater alignment with my principles.
What matters to me:
- dismantling and replacing all systems of death that endanger Life on our home planet, specifically and foundationally: anti-Blackness, misogynoir (credit to Dr. Moya Bailey and Trudy of Gradient Lair), racial capitalism (Cedric J. Robinson), settler colonialism, fatphobia, the gender binary, heterosexism, ableism, homophobia, transmisogyny, and all related structures of what Sonya Renee Taylor calls the "bodily hierarchy"
- continuously re-aligning my actions, words, behaviors, silences, inactions with my principles + politics as a spiritual practice
- centering those most impacted by the bodily hierarchy
- being a cycle-breaker of my lineage, setting precedent for my ancestry to co-conspire with the Global Majority for Black liberation + indigenous sovereignty
My intention for this form is to create an avenue for people who have less power than I do to let me know when (not if) I mess up. It is an acknowledgement of my positionality: cis-passing, straight-passing, light-skinned, settler colonist, class privileged, able-bodied US citizen. When I receive anonymous feedback here, I will bring it to the many people in my life who let me know when I've gotten off track. They have held me accountable before and will do so again.
Note 1: If you are white, male, cisgender, and/or straight, check yourself before you communicate with me. This space is intended for those over whom I have structural advantages. Of course, there are many layers to identity, so if you have any advantages over me, I also expect you to take responsibility for those.
Note 2: Remember that anything I offer on IG is free labor that I am not compensated for, and no one is obligated to consume. I will gladly incorporate feedback about how I use my (honestly pretty small) platform in recognition of the influence that I do have. But I am primarily concerned with my impact in relational containers where I have taken on the role of facilitator, teacher, or other service provider - especially if I receive compensation. In those contexts I know that I have particular power that I am responsible for using responsibly.