A digital spirit space,
The dark moon as generative ontology,
A practice ground for freedom,
Inspired by Caribbean maroons
And African hush harbors
Each new moon, we gather in intentionally pro-Black, pro-queer, non-binary spirit space to practice for freedom. Guided by Afro-Caribbean lineage bearer, social architect & healer Persephone Young, we call on timelines & dimensions across the multiverse to support liberatory futures deserving of Black trans people.
ASL translation is provided via Pro Bono ASL.
No one turned away for lack of funds. Here is a guide that explains the sliding scale.
Please get your tickets before 05/10 to make sure you receive the link to join us. On the day of the ceremony, we are unable to provide technical support as we prepare to hold space. Note the start time in your time zone: 12pm Pacific, 3pm Eastern.
Core Values of this spirit circle:
Make space, take space
One mic, one diva
Trust intent, name impact
Black is beautiful + sacred
Queer is God is Good
Trans + non-binary liberation benefits us all
Approaching yourself and others with kindness and compassion
Move towards fluidity and away from fear
Everything is always changing
Multiple things can be true at once without being less true
Language is imprecise and so are we. Take care.
Breath is sacred and it is enough to be
“Love is an action, never simply a feeling” - bell hooks