InfiniChi faqs

“Medical energy healing in the Ni family tradition is called InfiniChi® and has been studied for 5,000 years in China.” - Tao of Wellness

What happens in an InfiniChi treatment?

  1. Communicate boundaries and expectations, then set an intention

  2. Listen to a guided meditation

  3. Rest while the practitioner connects you to cosmic healing energies

  4. Gradually awaken and integrate your experience

What does it feel like?

“During the healing i felt my electrical wiring receive an energyboost; subtle, focused and powerful. The healing also felt as a process of repair, letting go and harmonization.” - Emma

How will I feel afterwards?

Here are some common results from my clients:

  • Deep relaxation

  • Seeing spiritual imagery behind the eyelids

  • Sleeping more deeply

  • Improved digestion

  • More energy and enthusiasm

  • Feeling lighter

Is this like reiki?

There are some similarities:

  • Both modalities have roots in Asia

  • Both use vital lifeforce energy translated as “qi” or “ki”

  • You may feel similar sensations of tingling, vitality, and seeing imagery behind your eyelids. If you don’t feel any of those things, it doesn’t mean the treatment isn’t working.

The main difference is that InfiniChi is rooted in Chinese medical theory and Daoist philosophy. Some call it “acupuncture without needles.”


What is qi?


self-healing qigong faq