Go from activist heartbreak and burn-out to heartfelt purpose and fierce joy.
Start here
Start here *
Our work serves creative people with sensitive bodyminds, courageous hearts and radical politics. They are deeply passionate about climate justice, trans and queer rights, and reparations for historical injustices. They are driven by a desire to create a more equitable and just world. They believe in progressive values and are actively engaged in causes that align with these beliefs. This passion stems from a strong sense of empathy and a commitment to leaving this planet better than they found it.
Epigenetic Alchemy community members consistently experience these outcomes when they work with us:
Greater safety within their own skin and in the Epigenetic Alchemist community
Access to more energy (physically and spiritually)
A sense of belonging after being isolated for their principles and sensitivity
More confidence in their gifts, purpose, and power
Unblocked channels to their ancestors, their inner vitality, their intuition, and community
So they can do things like…
Make art that celebrates Black divinity
Provide holistic care to frontline land defenders
Organize a presentation of the Gaza Monologues
Set boundaries with loved ones to enjoy the time we have together without collapsing into enmeshment and codependence
And more!
If you’re overwhelmed by ancestral trauma right now…
Listen to our free meditations
Start with the self-paced Intro to Ancestral Healing mini-course
Sign up for Wounds into Wisdom: 25-Day Ancestral Healing Metamorphosis
Start doing Ancestral Qigong
Read Elemental Healing: A 5-Element Path for Ancestor Connection, Balanced Energy, and an Aligned Life
Take these free ancestral healing quizzes: inner child, ancestral identity archetype
Shop Epigenetic Alchemy merch to adorn your body and space with visual reminders of your power to heal your lineages
If you need community…
Get the Community Care for Ancestral Healing recording + sign up for our email list to find out about virtual and in-person circles!
Apply to the Dandelion Healers Cohort
Sign up for the cocoon waitlist
Join the email list to find out about offerings from the Treehouse Temple of Healing Arts
If you need 1:1 support…
Check out Epigenetic Alchemy Ancestral Counseling and add your name to the waitlist (limited availability)
Book long-distance or in-person energy therapy here
If you’re on Tongva land seeking gender-affirming traditional medical care…
Book an appointment for acupuncture, herbal medicine, energy work, moxibustion, bodywork and/or cupping at Yo San University here
Book an appointment for bodywork + energy therapy in an Afro-Indigenous treatment space here
If you’re an activist facing burnout…
Do the Allyship for Survivors workshop
Experience the Bridges of Healing workshop
Download the Sustainable Activism for Trauma Survivors
Sign up for our email list to get the Trauma Traps in Activism handout
Book a reading Astrology for Activists
If you want to learn Chinese ancestral medicine through reciprocal relationship…
Start with Equitable Cultural Exchange
Read this page
Watch the video and resources on Orientalism here
Encounter the pharmacopeia through the Chinese Herbal Immersion
Get the Rainbow Light Meditation and Five-Element Nutrition guide here
Discover Chinese crystal healing here
Sleeping deeply.
Breathing into your lower belly.
Laughing freely from your gut.
Feeling a gentle stillness inside and out.
Letting your truth shine through your eyes.
Stretching out as luxuriously as a housecat in a pool of sunlight.
Breaking into a grin as you tip your face to the sky.
You’re here to spend your moments experiencing joy, pleasure, connection, and meaning.
You’re done wasting hours, days, months and years to drama that’s been on repeat for generations.
You’re eager to take back your days from hours spent in despair, anxiety, denial, and numbing coping mechanisms.
You know you came here with a meaningful path that channels your passions into tangible, positive change…
From a light-hearted generosity, not martyrdom and self-neglect.
You’re here to make choices aligned with your values, not past wounds. You’re working to shape your own narrative in relationship to those who went before you.
Tired of heartache and despair at the state of the world?
Dive into the transformative world of epigenetic alchemy and experience the profound shift from carrying the burdens of the past to reclaiming the vitality of your present.
Picture a life where you breathe freely, sleep deeply, and embody a gentle stillness that radiates from within.
Imagine finding the power to channel your passion into actionable change while connecting with a supportive global community.
This is the journey we embark on, one that leads you from the chaos of ancestral trauma to the serenity and empowerment of purposeful legacy.
This is your calling to become a catalyst for healing—both personally and collectively.
This is the place to experience data-driven, somatic, spiritual ancestral transformation for collective liberation.
Systems of oppression attempt to sever the sacred energetic bonds between human beings, between people and land, between humans and Spirit. Like nuclear fission, the breaking apart of that which is meant to be bound together, this is a tremendous source of energy. Hegemony extracts lifeforce from these ruptured connections. It is the divine birthright and calling of all beings to return to right relationship.
Epigenetic Alchemy facilitates ancestral reconnection
that empowers changemakers
to alchemize hard histories
into sustainable, purposeful action.
Epigenetic Alchemy is an evidence-based model of embodied energetics grounded in Africana critical theory, grassroots organizing and ancestral Chinese medicine.
Ancestral work is the key
because it unlocks patterns stored in the body
that play out interpersonally.
Epigenetic Alchemy catalyzes
embodied transformation
that empowers progressive leaders
to fulfill their purpose.
Ancestral Counseling is a one-on-one container.
Wait, so like… What is this, exactly? It sounds interesting, but I’m still unclear what this whole “epigenetic alchemy” thing is.
I’m so glad you asked!
Epigenetic Alchemy Ancestral Counseling is when you and I go through the e.a.r.t.h. protocol. We focus specifically on your own ancestral inheritance and goals. This may include:
Virtual calls
Energy healing
Embodiment (qigong, taijiquan, dance)
Homework assignments
Emotional processing
Key takeaway: This is a one-on-one experience focused on you.
The cocoon is a group healing container where we go through the e.a.r.t.h. protocol together. The cocoon includes:
Virtual calls
Guest facilitators
Energy healing
Embodiment (qigong, taijiquan, dance)
Homework assignments
Emotional processing
Key takeaway: This is a group experience that leverages the power of the collective to support us as change agents in our lineages.
Whether individually or as a group, we approach ancestral healing in manageable steps based on Daoist metaphysics.
First, we get the lay of the land. This includes genealogy, tracking down the relative who knows the great-grandma's name, and so on.
Second, we take time to be with our feelings. Generations before us repressed their stuff - and then passed it down - because this felt overwhelming. Together, we use nervous system regulating-practices to courageously face what we can. *NOTE: We don't face everything all at once! These five steps are a protocol we will do many times throughout our lives.
We sift through what we've uncovered and processed to discern what we want to start, stop and continue in our lineages. We don't jump into action yet.
We begin the work of behavior change with positive reinforcement and repetition.
We connect with the medicine traditions of our ancestors through ritual, contemplative practice, and embodiment.
At this time, Ancestral Counseling and the cocoon are paused so that Camellia can focus on in-person acupuncture and Chinese medicine training. Get on the waitlist at the link below.
The cocoon is a group container.
An offering of epigenetic alchemy
In meditation, I encountered the soul of my business as a 鳳凰 fénghuàng phoenix. A harmonious embodiment of Yin and Yang (beyond the binary, like me!), its 孔雀 peacock feathers connect to She Who Hears The Cries of the World, the bodhisattva Guanshiyin Pusa. The phoenix soul of this work soars across spacetime calling us home to best of who we are. Their shimmering feathers show us that glorious rebirth awaits us on the other side of the hard work of ancestral healing.
I catalyze transformation. Over the years, I’ve learned that my whistleblower intuition provokes deep metamorphosis for foundational healing. It’s not comfortable, but the rebirth is glorious. My father is a geneticist and epigenetics is the science of changes in genome expression. For this reason, I refer to my work as epigenetic alchemy: a metamorphosis at the level of the blueprint. What I once agonized would keep me isolated is now my greatest offering to this planet.
What sets Epigenetic Alchemy apart
Epigenetic Alchemy is a unique blend of non-binary magic, grounded in critical theory, and deeply rooted in a specific ancestral tradition. In service to the collective, I analyze and operationalize ancestral healing through Five Levels that correspond to the Five Phases of Chinese Medicine. By taking into account the macro context of structural violence, my method attends to dynamics that spiritual bypassing practitioners ignore.
The mainstream healing space mirrors larger society: cisgender, straight, white norms permeate the messaging and practices of popular healers.
With a background in youth organizing, academic excellence in Africana Studies, and extensive training in Chinese medicine and Daoism, my approach is informed by both grassroots activism and rigorous scholarship.
We are committed to addressing structural oppression, honoring indigenous traditions with reciprocity, and creating a transformative space where everyone, regardless of gender or sexual identity, can thrive and heal.
Ancestral Epigenetic Alchemy
So you’ve committed to your ancestral healing. Why choose to work with me?
I had to.
As a biracial kid in a predominantly white environment, I was constantly answering the question, “What are you?” Being a bookworm, I turned to texts like The Color of Wealth at fourteen years old. My formative memories of being asked to categorize myself based on others’ inability to identify my ancestry led me to Africana Studies and racial justice organizing. By studying history, I understood that “If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free, since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all systems of oppression” (Combahee River Collective).
Like many high-performing Asian kids, my mental health challenges went undetected. During my first year of undergrad, centuries of intergenerational trauma erupted within me. My and my ancestors’ grief and rage overflowed through my soma. I dropped out of college and went no-contact with my family of origin.
Desperate to remedy the ache in my bones and spirit, I sought out the ancient mysteries of my paternal lineage in rural Taiwan. My astrological birth chart clearly shows that my life path is about ancestral reconnection and healing, and I’ve gone about it with varying degrees of skill and care. At twenty years old, I was newly aware of myself as a queer and non-binary person. The culture clash between a US-raised gender and sexual minority with Taiwanese religious structures was intense.
Long story short, I left Taiwan deeply traumatized and full of shame. The weight of generational pain was so unbearable that I couldn’t sleep through the night. As a college dropout, I struggled to meet my basic needs for food and shelter. Ifá, Thien Hau Temple, and recovery communities carried me to the point of re-applying to college in 2015.
At Brown, I was blessed to learn closely from the brilliant Dr. Keisha-Khan Y. Perry (my advisor), Professor Elmo Terry-Morgan, and the late great Professor Anani Dzidzienyo. Along with rest of the incredible Africana Studies faculty, they trained me in critical Black Studies knowledge and methods. This helped me understand the current world system and learn from the best practices of freedom fighters across time.
With an undergraduate degree, I was then able to begin Chinese medical studies at Yo San University. Along with my Daoist healing training through the College of Tao and Parting Clouds Daoist education, I have been filling my toolbox with medical and energetic strategies to address the embodied and spiritual trauma of systemic oppression.
I have lived the truth that ancestral healing can unlock purpose and joy even in the most painful, tragic ancestral histories.
One tenet of ancestral healing is acceptance that the past cannot be changed, but we can transform our lives by changing how we relate to that past. I can’t change the years I and my ancestors lost to hurting ourselves and others. I can’t undo the mistakes I’ve made on my ancestral healing path. Yet by sharing the lessons I’ve gained from all of the above, I can help others avoid my errors.
One of my primary spiritual protectors is Mazu, goddess of the South China Sea. She famously guides boats to safety in rough waters. As someone who almost drowned in my ancestral trauma, I am a navigator familiar with these seas.
Theoretical rigor: Africana critical thought is the foundation. The macroeconomic, ontological, and socio-historical structures of the past millennium systematically cause intergenerational trauma. Everything I do stems from this reality.
Ancestral healing methods: I draw from my training in the 5,000+ year-old medical traditions of China to address the spiritual and somatic effects of systemic intergenerational trauma. I do not mix-and-match between a grab-bag of decontextualized New Age modalities. I am in ongoing reciprocal relationships with living lineage bearers who are themselves descendants of unbroken medicine families. I am accountable to them directly.
Biomedical integration: I draw upon my hundreds of hours of graduate training in biomedicine, never pretending that energy alone can solve a problem. I share resources for navigating the Western medical system, and taking advantage of its strengths, while also protecting oneself from its systemic failures.
Citation is a radical care practice. For my fellow nerds, here is my intellectual lineage. In addition to Afro-pessimism, womanism, Black feminism, political science, and Africana critical theory, I draw upon:
Chinese herbalism and meridian theory through 5+ years of training at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Daoism through my father, my 12+ years at Thien Hau Temple, and studies at the College of Tao and International Taoist Meditation Institute since 2020
Direct oral history study and fieldwork on Candomblé in Salvador da Bahia with Iya Dona Cici
10+ years of study of isese under Oluwo Falokun Fasegun Ogunkeye and Iya Fayomi Osundoyin Egbeyemi domestically, and Chief Olota Egungun ati Olota Biiri Agba of Eposo land Prince Dr. Oluwo Falolu Adesanya Awoyade in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. This includes sefa, and idosu.
Appointments available for acupuncture, Chinese herbalism, guasha, tuina, cupping, InfiniChi® and moxibustion.
* All payments go directly to the clinic, not to Camellia. Clinic interns pay approximately $14,000 to work upwards of 900 hours providing supervised clinical care.